2017 Colson China Distributor Meeting

Publish time:2017-12-22 Views: 3320

Before we started the new journey in 2018, Colson China held a distributor meeting in Crown Plaza Guangzhou on Dec 21st of 2017, with a theme of Stride & Blossom. Around 50 distributors attended the meeting. They received a very powerful presentation of Colson brands and had a very good discussion of development strategy for 2018.

Colson China team reviewed the whole year sales performance with a summary, and shared with distributors the focus of 2018 sales strategy. In the meeting Colson product portfolio was also introduced.


Colson APAC Managing Director Robert Wang addressed the meeting with a detailed introduction of Colson development strategy.


The first development committee was also founded during the meeting, which consists of six distributors who are in strategic partnership with Colson. They will represent all distributors to share thoughts and advice with Colson China. In the meeting Managing Director Robert Wang issued the appointment certificate and get aligned the ground rules for the commitee.

With the support of Colson brands and the new strategy, the distributors are fully supportive in 2018 sales goals. During the meeting Colson sales team had a group discussion with distributors. A lot of constructive suggestions are raised and adopted.

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